About Lisa
Lisa is an accredited family law solicitor with significant experience. She has represented clients across the West Midlands in both Magistrates and County Courts.
Lisa has an diverse background having graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Education in 1996. She taught in inner city schools prior to completing a master’s in Special Educational Needs and Management. Following this she became a Headteacher.
While studying for her Graduate Diploma in Law she worked in the NHS as a manager.
In 2013 Lisa began working as a legal caseworker gaining experience advising families about debt, welfare benefits, community care and family law. Lisa completed her Legal Practitioner Course in 2015 at the University of Law.

Due to the significant amount of experience gained, Lisa was granted a six-month reduction for her training contract, completing it in January 2020.
Since 2017, Lisa has worked in family law, because of her past experience she is able to draw on her considerable knowledge of the education system, special needs and other areas of law. This gives her a unique skill set helping her work with her clients holistically.
In 2022 Lisa completed her supervisor course allowing her to supervise other staff. In March 2022 she became a Law Society Advanced Family Practitioner focussing on Domestic Violence and Abuse remedies, and Children Act cases.
Lisa has represented clients across public and private law including complex cases bridging public law, children matters and domestic abuse.
In public law she has represented parents across child protection, pre-proceedings and care cases.
When representing parents in Children Act cases she has been instructed by applicants and respondents in:
Emergency Orders to return a child to their parents.
Prohibitive Orders to stop a child being taken abroad or from other changes one parent has attempted to make without consulting the other.
Specific Orders for example getting a passport so a child can go abroad.
Parental Responsibility Orders.
Live With and Shared Live with Orders.
Contact Orders.
Dismissal of Special Guardianship Orders.
Lisa has represented survivors of domestic abuse to gain protective remedies by way of Non-Molestation Orders and Occupational Orders, as well as challenging spurious applications by an ex-partner.
Lisa does much of her own advocacy, as well as providing detailed instructions for barristers when required, having developed a good working relationship with a number of family law specialists.
Lisa is a consultant solicitor with Taylor-Rose MW. This means that if you would like her to represent you that all the work she does on it will be through Taylor-Rose. Taylor-Rose is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, they have Lexcel accreditation. They support Lisa, giving her to opportunity to talk with a Family Law Supervisor, access to specialist computer systems and ensures that she meets the high standards expected of all solicitors.