Emergency Child Arrangement Orders
Prohibitive Step Orders
Specific Issue Orders
What counts as an emergency?
The court generally consider something as an emergency if a court order is needed within 72 hours.
If you have an emergency then please complete the contact me form. I will get back to you as soon as possible. This may be out of the normal working hours. At this point I will be able to advise you whether it is likely you can get an emergency order. This is based on a lot of experience in court and sitting on the Family Court Board as a private law solicitor.
If your matter is urgent, e.g. it is needed urgently, but can wait four days rather than three, we can still make an application to the court, we would ask them to list the case quickly.
Prohibitive Steps Orders
An emergency prohibitive steps order is for things that will impact on the child in a negative way.
An example of this is:
Your ex-partner has said that they are going to take your child abroad without your permission, often this is to a country where it would be difficult to get the child returned to the UK from.
The emergency PSO will say that they cannot take the child out of the UK.
The order gets sent through and a process server will take a copy of the order to your ex-partner and give it to them.
Specific Issues Order
An emergency specific issues order is for things that will impact on the child in a negative way.
An example of this is:
Your ex-partner has kept your five year old child following contact. Not returning them to you mean that they do not have their medication which you have had to have special training for.
The emergency SIO will say that they have to return the child to your care straight away. The order gets sent through and a process server (someone who will go with you to collect your child and will have a copy of the court order to give them).
Fill in a form for Lisa to contact you or book an hour initial appointment with Lisa - it's free with no obligation.